Mikheil Saakashvili Keeping small nations enslaved because of the deals between the great nations or because of any pragmatic considerations that might have been there are totally unacceptable. – Mikheil Saakashvili Considerations Quotes Deals Quotes Enslaved Quotes Keeping Quotes Nations Quotes Pragmatic Quotes Totally Quotes Unacceptable Quotes Solidarity was the best thing which happened in the 20th century. For the first time in 15 years, Georgia this winter has its electric power guaranteed without deficit. This is a historic achievement.
Achille Maramotti Families don’t make projects for five years, they make projects for generations. – Achille Maramotti
Lauren Alaina I just want to inspire people to love other people and be accepting because I feel like there’s so much going on in the world, and there’s so many pressures, and there’s so much negativity. – Lauren Alaina
Mawra Hocane I don’t know about others, but I want to work in India, America, Iran, Europe, and Russia – everywhere. I am a sucker for good script; I’ll go wherever it’ll take me. – Mawra Hocane
Robin Sloan There’s certainly satire written about techies, but it’s so snarky and snide and doesn’t treat him as a whole person. The people I worked with at Twitter – they’re very analytical, but they’re also deep and thoughtful – I feel like they deserved a charismatic spokesperson. – Robin Sloan
George Brett My father cared a lot about me, but he never gave me the satisfaction of really knowing it. Hitting .390 wasn’t enough for him. Nothing seemed to be. He was not trying to be mean. He was just seeing to it that I never got self-satisfied, that I worked hard to get the most out of what I had. – George Brett
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