David Garrow King would certainly be overjoyed by Barack Obama’s inauguration, but we must avoid, and indeed reject, any careless claims that Obama’s swearing in marks the fulfillment of King’s dream. – David Garrow Avoid Quotes Barack Quotes Careless Quotes Claims Quotes Dream Quotes Fulfillment Quotes Inauguration Quotes King Quotes Kings Quotes Marks Quotes Obamas Quotes Overjoyed Quotes Reject Quotes Swearing Quotes President Obama’s achievements and failures must be evaluated by comparison to those chief executives who have come before him and not be measured against the prophetically moral voice of Martin Luther King Jr. It’s simply incorrect to call Dr. King a Republican.
FreedomSidonie Gabrielle Colette There are days when solitude is a heady wine that intoxicates you with freedom, others when it is a bitter tonic, and still others when it is a poison that makes you beat your head against the wall. – Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Chuck Close Most people are good at too many things. And when you say someone is focused, more often than not what you actually mean is they’re very narrow. – Chuck Close
Harry Maguire Mum and Dad used to always follow me and support me, taking me to Newcastle on a Sunday morning after getting up at 7 A.M. They have always supported my football but always told me how important school was. – Harry Maguire
Ann Coulter If we’re so cruel to minorities, why do they keep coming here? Why aren’t they sneaking across the Mexican border to make their way to the Taliban? – Ann Coulter
Mark Getty It always seemed mad to me that people who have common investment objectives, let alone are related to each other, should take their capital and allow it to be less efficient by breaking it up into smaller bits. – Mark Getty
Hannah Gadsby I’ve always done live art history lectures and small documentaries in the past in Australia, on Australian art and art galleries, so I’ve already done a lot of that. – Hannah Gadsby
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