Daniel J BoorstinKnowledge Knowledge is not simply another commodity. On the contrary. Knowledge is never used up. It increases by diffusion and grows by dispersion. – Daniel J Boorstin Commodity Quotes Contrary Quotes Diffusion Quotes Dispersion Quotes Grows Quotes Increases Quotes Knowledge Quotes Simply Quotes Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge. There is no philosophy which is not founded upon knowledge of the phenomena, but to get any profit from this knowledge it is absolutely necessary to be a mathematician.
Iwan Rheon There was so much great music around in the ’60s, stuff like The Small Faces, but I also love The Jam. – Iwan Rheon
John CassavetesMovies People don’t know what they are doing most of the time. They don’t know what they want. It’s only in ‘the movies’ that they know what their problems are and have game plans to deal with them. – John Cassavetes
Michelle Monaghan I was just fascinated with how everyone else in the world lived, and I was interested in telling their story. – Michelle Monaghan
Sandra Tsing Loh Menopause is your return to where you were before, when your hormone levels are the same as a pre-adolescent girl’s. – Sandra Tsing Loh
Big Narstie If I haven’t rested, or I haven’t slept or had food or done the normal basic things as a human being, how could I stand in front of a camera and do stuff, you know what I mean? It’s mad! – Big Narstie
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