Howard Stern Late night television is ready for someone like me… standards have gone to an all-time low. – Howard Stern Alltime Quotes Late Quotes Night Quotes Ready Quotes Standards Quotes Television Quotes The New York Times’ list is a bunch of crap. They ought to call it the editor’s choice. It sure isn’t based on sales. It’s no treat being in bed with me.
Dante Basco A lot of times as an actor you watch a film it’s like thumbing through a photo book from your past. It’s people you haven’t seen in a while, there are people that have passed away, and there are people you owe phone calls to. – Dante Basco
Jerome Richardson I don’t know what I was trying to get out of a tenor – but it never really satisfied me until one day I picked up my alto and I said, ‘Where have you been?’ and I said right here for now on! – Jerome Richardson
PositiveVictoria Beckham I’m a very driven, ambitious, positive person. But I’m a spiritual person as well. – Victoria Beckham
Sally Rooney When I was in Trinity, at least for the first couple of years, I didn’t really interact with anyone who wasn’t in Trinity. A lot of the years, I lived on campus. – Sally Rooney
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