James Murphy LCD is a band about a band writing music about writing music. – James Murphy Band Quotes Lcd Quotes Music Quotes Writing Quotes LCD live was set up to be an argument about what’s wrong with bands and why bands should be better. I always thought that we were so obviously not a great band, comically not a great band. I was not a great front man. I understand that if someone’s going to make me his idea of cool, I can’t control that.
Caroline Leavitt L.A. is a place people come to for all sorts of reasons, often to reinvent themselves, and that fascinates me. – Caroline Leavitt
Davis Webb It was either football or hockey. I chose football, and I think it’s worked out OK so far. – Davis Webb
Joe Namath I’ve been some through some things medically. I’ve seen some things on my brain. But I’ve had some treatment – and I’ve improved. – Joe Namath
Alexis Ren I have this thing called my ‘Post It People’: they’re my closest family members. Those are the ones who count. The ones who I put their word as something special to me. So if they’re all like, ‘No you’re good, we love you, we know who you are as a person,’ then I don’t take anything else personally, ’cause those are the ones who matter – my family. – Alexis Ren
Jessica Barden You’ve got to support male stories and healthy male relationships and things. You can’t just be a woman that is only want to support female stories or a guy that’s only wanting to support guy stories. It needs to all mix again. – Jessica Barden
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