James Murphy LCD live was set up to be an argument about what’s wrong with bands and why bands should be better. I always thought that we were so obviously not a great band, comically not a great band. I was not a great front man. – James Murphy Argument Quotes Band Quotes Bands Quotes Comically Quotes Lcd Quotes Live Quotes Set Quotes Wrong Quotes I have a thing about inane lyrics – the world doesn’t need them. LCD is a band about a band writing music about writing music.
Jadakiss The song ‘Why’ was always in my head. Three or four years, I always wanted to do a song called ‘Why’ and just ask wild questions. And I guess, strategically, after the 9/11 thing, it worked. – Jadakiss
Katharine Ross I’m bored. I’m bored with the kind of parts I get offered. I can do more. – Katharine Ross
Gina Carano I know I don’t look like the skinny slender model. I know I look a little different but people like to watch me for some reason. It feels good and I’m humbled by it. – Gina Carano
Sage Northcutt The more fights I have in the UFC, the more people I meet, the more opportunities I have to make an impact. – Sage Northcutt
John Oates Dick Clark’s ‘American Bandstand’ spread the gospel of American pop music and teenage style that transcended the regional boundaries of our country and united a youth culture that eventually spread its message throughout the entire world. – John Oates
Alessia Cara I remember making a ‘thank you’ video when one of my videos got to 50 views! – Alessia Cara
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