Marillyn Hewson Leaders have to see past problems to solutions, and my mother excelled at just that. – Marillyn Hewson Excelled Quotes Leaders Quotes Mother Quotes Solutions Quotes I do work hard, but I have a passion for work. That’s just who I am. My mother did what all great leaders do: She sparked the growth of future leaders.
Dean Martin There’s a statue of Jimmy Stewart in the Hollywood Wax Museum, and the statue talks better than he does. – Dean Martin
Hun SenIndependence Let me reassure that the Kingdom of Cambodia a country with independence, neutrality, peace, freedom, democracy and human rights as you all have seen, shall be existing with no end. – Hun Sen
Aasif Mandvi When I got to Florida, I was a British kid, but I was also an Indian kid: a brown kid with an English accent. Talk about being an outsider. And that’s become the theme of a lot of the stuff I write about. – Aasif Mandvi
Elizabeth Gilbert I am far more of a loner than people would imagine. But I am the most gregarious and socially interactive loner you ever met. The thing is, I am fascinated by people’s stories and I’m very talkative and can’t ever say no to anything or anyone, so I tend to over-socialize, to give away too much of my time to the many people I adore. – Elizabeth Gilbert
Frank Deford If there ever was an ‘America’s team,’ it would be itty-bitty, little Green Bay, stuck way up there somewhere, owned by the salt-of-the-Earth citizens themselves. – Frank Deford
Neville For too long, I have been overlooked. For too long, I have been disrespected. For too long, I had been too good. – Neville
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