LeadershipMarian Anderson Leadership should be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by it. – Marian Anderson Born Quotes Leadership Quotes Understanding Quotes Leadership desperately needs women. Most people associate command and control leadership with the military.
Bruce Feiler The way to tell a really big story, I think, is to tell a really small story. – Bruce Feiler
Louis Dudek The long poem cannot be a digressive, expansive, boring exposition. It is really made of very sharp, Imagistic, quintessential poetic elements. – Louis Dudek
Emily Weiss French pharmacies probably feel like CVS to French people, but to me, they feel like a real-life version of ‘Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.’ – Emily Weiss
Jacki Weaver No, I’m so well-known at home I think they think of me like a piece of comfortable furniture that’s always been around that they’re not going to throw out. – Jacki Weaver
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