Ernie Johnson Jr Less is always more in a playoff game. – Ernie Johnson Jr Game Quotes Playoff Quotes Preparation is the lifeblood of this job. It’s a non-stop process. You’re always working ahead. Baseball has been in my blood for a long, long time.
Henry Spencer Liquid oxygen is one of the cheapest manufactured substances on Earth. In large quantities, it costs pennies per kilogram – cheaper than milk or beer. – Henry Spencer
Matt Hughes I’ve judged a lot of matches and I’ve reffed a lot of matches, and so I think I could help out in figuring out what the best criteria is. – Matt Hughes
Karl Barth Jews have God’s promise and if we Christians have it, too, then it is only as those chosen with them, as guests in their house, that we are new wood grafted onto their tree. – Karl Barth
Jorginho I think the Premier League suits my game, but it also depends on who I have next to me because I need to be surrounded by players with certain characteristics. – Jorginho
Larry Holmes I don’t think Joe Louis could take the punches today fighting in this era. – Larry Holmes
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