Mike Rogers Let me be clear: I am not an advocate of censorship. – Mike Rogers Advocate Quotes Censorship Quotes Although I may find the type of programming seen during the 2004 Super Bowl and the 2003 Golden Globe Awards disgusting and disturbing, we must always work hard to defend the cherished freedoms so clearly outlined in our Constitution, including a healthy and free press. CBS’s halftime show during the 2004 Super Bowl was a new low for television.
Jaime Camil I’ve always been a fan of Five For Fighting’s song ‘Superman.’ It’s like an anthem, and I love it. – Jaime Camil
Matt Taibbi In the old days, when you took out a mortgage, it was probably through a local bank or a credit union, and whoever gave you your loan held on to it for life. If you lost your job or got too sick to work and suddenly had trouble making your payments, you could call a human being and work things out. – Matt Taibbi
John Lee Hooker They wasn’t gonna give you nothin’. I didn’t care as long as they let me play my music. Cash on the spot… You cheat me and I’m gonna get me some money, too. – John Lee Hooker
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