Louis MacNeice Let them not make me a stone and let them not spill me, otherwise kill me. – Louis MacNeice Kill Quotes Spill Quotes Stone Quotes In January 1921, I found myself wonderfully alone in an empty carriage in a rocking train in the night between Waterloo and Sherborne. Stars on each side of me; I ran from side to side of the carriage, checking the constellations. It is a retrogression when human beings begin to insist on uniform, on one-mindedness, on conditioning their offspring so that all their reactions are automatic.
Erwin McManus There are few things more powerful than a life lived with passionate clarity. – Erwin McManus
Scott Ellis I feel that once you go into rehearsal, you need to focus on the show in the room. – Scott Ellis
Rick Smolan One of the nice things about living in Silicon Valley is that I end up at all these conferences and things, and I get to listen in on the zeitgeist. – Rick Smolan
DeRay Mckesson Baltimore is a beautiful city. I started doing a lot of community organizing back in 1999 and met so many great people in neighborhoods all across the city. And that was an invaluable experience. – DeRay Mckesson
Chuck Palahniuk We are not special. We are not crap or trash, either. We just are. We just are, and what happens just happens. – Chuck Palahniuk
Brad Schneider I would borrow money all day long, if the cost of borrowing is less than the expected return. – Brad Schneider
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