Dada Vaswani Let us not curse the darkness. Let us kindle little lights. – Dada Vaswani Curse Quotes Darkness Quotes Kindle Quotes Lights Quotes We have for a long time neglected our children. They are our richest treasure. We must give them time, attention and the love of our pure, unselfish hearts. What humanity needs today is not merely philosophy or theology, but a message or reassurance.
Kendrick Sampson Men should stay active and healthy, and even when they aren’t active, active wear is so comfortable. – Kendrick Sampson
Miriam Margolyes I don’t care what I look like. I must be comfortable. Some of my friends have plastic surgery and Botox, but I’m not interested in it. – Miriam Margolyes
Benjamin Tucker And capital punishment, however ineffective it may be and through whatever ignorance it may be resorted to, is a strictly defensive act, – at least in theory. – Benjamin Tucker
Siri Hustvedt Sleep resistance, bouts of insomnia, nightmares, night terrors, crawling into bed with parents in the middle of the night – all these are so common among children, it seems fair to call them ‘normal.’ – Siri Hustvedt
Jaclyn Smith I was the first actress who branded her own line at a time when everyone just lent their name to a product. Everyone said I shouldn’t do it, but it was probably the best thing I’ve ever done. – Jaclyn Smith
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