Howard Jacobson Let’s be honest with one another: almost everything is too long except life, and I know people who wouldn’t even concur with that exception. – Howard Jacobson Concur Quotes Exception Quotes Honest Quotes Life Quotes People Quotes It’s a law of our natures, especially when the political fit is on us, to applaud where we already approve, and deride where we don’t. Certainly a curtain has never fallen too soon for me. Every play is too long, even the short ones. Every concert, every film, every television programme the same.
Michael Morpurgo War continues to divide people, to change them forever, and I write about it both because I want people to understand the absolute futility of war, the ‘pity of war’ as Wilfred Owen called it. – Michael Morpurgo
Dana Perino At some point, you’re going to have to be willing to take a punch for your team. If your employees or your teammates will see that you’re willing to do that, they are more likely to be loyal to you, and your team is more likely to function better. – Dana Perino
Barbara G Walker When I was 35, all of a sudden I thought maybe it’d be nice to knit a sweater. – Barbara G Walker
Hannah Fry I think people have this hang-up from school that maths is this dusty old textbook that was finished hundreds of years ago, and all the answers are in the back. Whereas in my job I struggle to find anything that maths can’t offer an interesting perspective on. – Hannah Fry
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