Margot Fonteyn Life forms illogical patterns. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return? – Margot Fonteyn Beauties Quotes Catch Quotes Fly Quotes Forms Quotes Haphazard Quotes Illogical Quotes Life Quotes Patterns Quotes Return Quotes Any sort of pretension induces mediocrity in art and life alike. Minor things can become moments of great revelation when encountered for the first time.
Julianne Moore Once I’ve ascertained that I’m safe and I’m with a director who is taking care of me, then I’m able to go and do what I need to do and know it’s not me, it’s the story. – Julianne Moore
FearSkepta No fear’ is a mindset that I stand for. It’s the reason why I’ve got to where I am today. – Skepta
BeautySonam Kapoor I think every single imperfection adds to your beauty. I’d rather be imperfect than perfect. – Sonam Kapoor
Carol Vorderman My commitment is to my kids and my mum and I’m having a whale of a time. – Carol Vorderman
Sofia Kenin Yeah, I obviously do get nervous before the matches. I obviously have butterflies. I obviously want to do well. – Sofia Kenin
Hal Sparks Cold Case Files’ and similar shows do bang up business, which points to a certain thirst for details in the viewership, but it seems like all the news chat shows continue to force the myth that Americans can’t stand detail and have no interest in an idea that can’t fit on a bumper sticker. – Hal Sparks
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