Aaron Gordon Life has so many opportunities day in and day out and we’re not always going to make the correct decisions every single time. You’ve got to be able to get over that quickly, learn from your mistakes and be better players and people from it. – Aaron Gordon Correct Quotes Day Quotes Decisions Quotes Learn Quotes Life Quotes Mistakes Quotes Opportunities Quotes People Quotes Players Quotes Single Quotes Time Quotes Win, to me, stands for ‘What’s Important Now.’ I think the ultimate thing is basketball will never be what makes me 100 percent happy. This has always been my dream and this has always been my love. But no matter how many points you score or how few points you score, basketball will never be able to fill 100 percent of your happiness.
Jagmeet Singh The higher the stakes, the more responsible we have to be. It was with this in mind that I began to build my Green Economy and Climate Agenda. – Jagmeet Singh
Richard Engel The people of Gaza are trapped. Israel has sealed the border, and they have no way to leave the Gaza Strip to do business. – Richard Engel
Jean Monnet The countries of Europe are too small to guarantee their peoples the necessary prosperity and social development. The European states must constitute themselves into a federation. – Jean Monnet
CourageRachel HollisRespect I have immense respect for anyone with a physical deformity and the courage and confidence it takes just to go out in the world. – Rachel Hollis
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