Dion DiMucciTruth Life is full of awe and grace and truth, mystery and wonder. I live in that atmosphere. – Dion DiMucci Atmosphere Quotes Awe Quotes Grace Quotes Life Quotes Live Quotes Mystery Quotes Truth Quotes The truth is the truth is the truth. And as long as you tell the truth, you’ll be okay in the end. Human love has little regard for the truth. It makes the truth relative, since nothing, not even the truth, must come between it and the beloved person.
Kate Adie I don’t sit there and speculate. I’m not that sort of person. It wastes time, actually. – Kate Adie
James Clapper I was a part of the decision-making in the Pentagon, when I was the undersecretary for intelligence, to start CYBERCOM, both as a sub-unified command and under a dual-hat arrangement. That was never intended to be permanent in any event. – James Clapper
Richard P Feynman The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. – Richard P Feynman
Richard Greenberg The idea of a rupture between acts occurs in a number of my plays. – Richard Greenberg
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