Elbert Hubbard Life is just one damned thing after another. – Elbert Hubbard Damned Quotes Life Quotes A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run. The supernatural is the natural not yet understood.
Charlotte Casiraghi I’m not one to experiment with lip colors. I tend to go for either red or a soft pink. – Charlotte Casiraghi
Muhammad Yunus We developed microfinance to fight loan sharks – I was telling people don’t go to loan sharks – not trying to take advantage and make money for myself. I would be a junior loan shark if I did… It is not a panacea. – Muhammad Yunus
Joshua Foer The ‘OK Plateau’ is that place we all get to where we just stop getting better at something. Take typing, for example. You might type and type and type all day long, but once you reach a certain level, you just don’t get appreciably faster. That’s because it’s become automatic. You’ve moved it to the back of your mind’s filing cabinet. – Joshua Foer
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