Anais NinStrength Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat. – Anais Nin Adversity Quotes Defeat Quotes Endure Quotes Life Quotes Lose Quotes Strength Quotes Stumble Quotes Suffer Quotes Both now and for always, I intend to hold fast to my belief in the hidden strength of the human spirit. People judge you really quickly, at first just on your facial features. There are two dimensions – warmth and competence. You can think of them as trustworthiness and strength. They’re first judging you on warmth; evaluating whether or not you are trustworthy. That’s much more important to them than whether or not you’re competent.
Channing Dungey Having brought diversity to the air in the way that we have with Kerry Washington and Viola Davis toplining their shows, and then shows like ‘Fresh Off the Boat’ and ‘Black-ish,’ have been very important. I look forward to continuing in that vein. – Channing Dungey
Manuel Puig I do believe that reading can help you understand what you’re writing and see what others are doing. But sometimes the desire for more information can act as an inhibitor. – Manuel Puig
Randy Pitchford Sometimes we do derive some entertainment when we ‘appreciate’ something, and sometime we feel something when we’re moved. So a lot of game makers want challenge themselves with ‘can I move someone?’ or ‘can I get them to respect me as an artist?’ – Randy Pitchford
Ed BradleyMom My mother worked in factories, worked as a domestic, worked in a restaurant, always had a second job. – Ed Bradley
Jeremy Stephens When I hit people, it’s not a flash knockout where they get back up and I hit them a couple of times and the ref stops it and they’re like ‘oh I wasn’t out.’ – Jeremy Stephens
John L Flannery When a customer is really not happy, it’s a very unpleasant experience. – John L Flannery
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