Helen Garner Life’s fairly excruciating. Painful things happen. Every now and then, you drag yourself out of the stream and stand on the bank gasping for air. I think that’s how I work. – Helen Garner Air Quotes Bank Quotes Drag Quotes Excruciating Quotes Gasping Quotes Happen Quotes Lifes Quotes Painful Quotes Stand Quotes Stream Quotes It’s much more interesting for me to think that taking a chunk of experience and mushing it up together with other things that are inventible, remembered from some other time or stolen from other people’s stories… and see if I can make it into something that works, an object, a little machine that runs. I don’t believe that anything’s totally invented… If you’re completely inventing a story, there wouldn’t be an urge to tell it.
Adam Curtis In the early 1970s in Washington, a small group of young conservative activists came together to try and change American politics. They called themselves the New Right, and they were convinced that unless they did something drastic, the liberals and the left-wingers in America were going to take over the country. – Adam Curtis
Coretta Scott King Particularly in the South, efforts continue to be made to deny blacks access to the polls, even where blacks constitute the majority of the voters. – Coretta Scott King
Max Cavalera We normally use Peavey amplifiers, and I use an ESP guitar with two Boss pedals: a flanger and a big wah pedal. My sound is pretty much the sound that comes out of the Peavey with the gain all the way to the top so there’s a really heavy distortion sound that comes from the amplifier. – Max Cavalera
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