Dermot Mulroney Like everyone else, I try to do quality work with great directors. But much of it has to do with luck. – Dermot Mulroney Directors Quotes Luck Quotes Quality Quotes I don’t need to prove that I’m some great international filmmaker. It’s not really on my list of goals. You know, what I like about ‘The Family Tree’ is it’s a kitchen sink movie; you can’t think of anything that it doesn’t either throw into the story for conflict or poke fun at or attack, even, so I like it.
FriendshipZhang Ziyi When two people first meet, they can only have a very ordinary kind of friendship. But when you begin to understand each other, when you get close to them, you discover that you’re suddenly eager to know him or her even better. – Zhang Ziyi
Fyodor DostoevskyMenWomenWork Deprived of meaningful work, men and women lose their reason for existence; they go stark, raving mad. – Fyodor Dostoevsky
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