Lion Feuchtwanger Like the philosopher, the author views his task as one of establishing a clear connection between life and history, and of making the past bear fruit for the present and future. – Lion Feuchtwanger Author Quotes Bear Quotes Connection Quotes Establishing Quotes Fruit Quotes Future Quotes History Quotes Life Quotes Philosopher Quotes Task Quotes Views Quotes Ever since my youth it has disturbed me that of the literary works that survived their own epoch, so many dealt with historical rather than contemporary subjects. What is a historian, anyway? It is someone who uses facts to record the development of humanity.
Mike Schultz I remember my dad telling me that if I wanted to start racing motocross, I had to get a job and pay for it myself. So I did. As soon as I was able to drive myself to work, I got into racing motocross at age 15. – Mike Schultz
Sarah MacLean In real life, I’d say that your commitment-phobe/narcissist/bad boy boyfriend is a lost cause, but romance is shelved in fiction for a reason. – Sarah MacLean
Alan Sugar It is torment to be segregated out because of some bit of clothing that you’re wearing. – Alan Sugar
Lari White I’d always wanted to be a mom. Actually, being a mom was always my top priority. It was like, ‘I’m going to be a star and I’m going to get done with that and then I’m going to go be a mom.’ – Lari White
Luv Ranjan People say actors change once they become stars, but it’s wrong. People don’t change, it’s always you who changes. – Luv Ranjan
John Taylor Gatto School is a twelve-year jail sentence where bad habits are the only curriculum truly learned. I teach school and win awards doing it. I should know. – John Taylor Gatto
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