Deeyah Khan Like Theresa May, I regularly find myself infuriated by the rantings of Anjem Choudary and other hate preachers. – Deeyah Khan Anjem Quotes Choudary Quotes Hate Quotes Infuriated Quotes Preachers Quotes Rantings Quotes Regularly Quotes Theresa Quotes We must defend democracy using its own mechanisms, through explaining and exemplifying its merits rather than through the heavy-handed and arbitrary silencing of its critics. This is how we will build a sustainable alternative to the contorted worldview of extremists. Living through the intersections of cultural diversity has given me an intimate understanding of the dynamics of living between the dimensions of East and West, traditional and modern, and political and spiritual.
Raymond Queneau When Ulysses hears his own story sung by an epic poet and then he reveals his identity and the poet wants to continue singing, Ulysses isn’t interested any longer. That’s very astonishing. – Raymond Queneau
Jeff Vandermeer So many differing opinions and philosophies… are rarely housed under the roof of a single magazine. – Jeff Vandermeer
Bob FilnerDietHomeParenting Childhood obesity is best tackled at home through improved parental involvement, increased physical exercise, better diet and restraint from eating. – Bob Filner
Paul P Harris In the cold, shivering twilight, preceding the daybreak of civilization, the dominating emotion of man was fear. – Paul P Harris
Agnes Smedley Yet it is awful to love a person who is a torture to you. And a fascinating person who loves you and won’t hear of anything but your loving him and living right by his side through all eternity! – Agnes Smedley
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