Ian Poulter Long-term effects of taking painkillers and anti-inflammatories are never really good. To find another form of relief has been great. – Ian Poulter Antiinflammatories Quotes Effects Quotes Form Quotes Longterm Quotes Painkillers Quotes Relief Quotes I have never needed operations, I have had niggles the same as any other golfer after putting his body through 17 years of travel and a heavy playing schedule. I think I’m actually in pretty good shape considering the amount of hours spent hitting balls and sitting on an aeroplane. You don’t want to let on how hurt you are because some people will see that as a sign of weakness, they might use it against you.
Eli Drake You’re running a business, and at the end of the day, if you’re running a business, you’ve got to make money. – Eli Drake
Arnold Palmer Golf challenges you mentally at any age, and when you become my age, it’s a challenge physically to try to make your game work as well as it ever did. That’s close to impossible, but that doesn’t keep you from trying to hit the ball where you used to hit it and make the putts you used to make all the time. – Arnold Palmer
Anne Hegerty As an adult I’ve developed better social skills; I know how to do a conversation, I know how to do a party. I find them wearying, though, and I like that in lockdown no one expects me to go to them. – Anne Hegerty
LegalWarren Farrell The Myth of Male Power dealt much more with the political issues, the legal issues, sexual harassment, date rape, women who kill, and those issues were very much more interfaced with the agendas of feminism. – Warren Farrell
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