Edward Burns Look: You’re not gonna become a millionaire doing this, but that was never the point. And I think a lot of people in the indie film business kind of took their eye off of that. – Edward Burns Business Quotes Eye Quotes Film Quotes Gonna Quotes Indie Quotes Lot Quotes Millionaire Quotes People Quotes Quite honestly, it’s too tough to get your movies made and then also to get out there and sell them. The stigma of the straight-to-DVD thing is over.
FreedomJimmy Wales I’m a big advocate of freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of thought. – Jimmy Wales
Larry Bucshon I was a heart surgeon before I came to Congress, and I’ve worked many holidays on behalf of my patients. – Larry Bucshon
Joe Piscopo All I ever wanted to do was bit parts on Broadway. I have more than achieved any goal that I aspired to. – Joe Piscopo
Lindsay Fox At Linfox we have zero tolerance. If any alcohol or drugs are found in any drivers’ blood, they are instantly dismissed. – Lindsay Fox
Josie Totah This is going to sound bad, but it’s not hard to be super mean. It’s actually really fun to play a mean boy. – Josie Totah
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