Eleanor Clift Looking at female candidates today, other women are the hardest on them, especially older women who were brought up in a different culture. – Eleanor Clift Brought Quotes Candidates Quotes Culture Quotes Female Quotes Hardest Quotes Women Quotes Often, the disparities in the ways men and women are treated are subtle; there are not these clear barriers that you have to break down. Living in the fishbowl is hard enough without worrying about a Secret Service that can’t keep mum.
Neil Marshall Pretty much every society, every culture in the world has some version of the Arthur legend, so everybody knows it; certainly in the western world, everybody knows King Arthur, but nobody knows what happens next. – Neil Marshall
ArtDebbie Millman Visual storytelling utilizes both language and art to pass on the essence of who we are. – Debbie Millman
Montel Vontavious Porter I will say this: love Vince McMahon or hate Vince McMahon, no matter what you feel about him, he has always treated me well. – Montel Vontavious Porter
Herb Brooks You’re playing worse and worse every day and right now you’re playing like it’s next month. – Herb Brooks
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