John Sheffield Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Thanks for mercies past received. – John Sheffield Blessing Quotes Dismiss Quotes Lord Quotes Mercies Quotes Received Quotes Thy Quotes Tis the most tender part of love, each other to forgive.
James Fenton What I want, when I write a poem, is no more than this: that it be preserved in some published form so that, in principle, someone, somewhere, will be able to find it and read it. That is all I need, as a poet, and that is the beauty, the luxury of my position. My lyric is mine and remains mine. Nobody can ruin it. – James Fenton
David Limbaugh No one can reasonably deny that Medicare is headed for insolvency, and that Medicare’s insolvency, if not rectified, will lead to the federal government’s insolvency. – David Limbaugh
Lynn Johnston I often think you bring unhappiness on yourself, because if you don’t like yourself very much, you allow yourself to be influenced by people who reinforce that. – Lynn Johnston
Barbara Demick Over the years, so many exceptions and amendments were made to China’s one-child policy that it was hard to pinpoint a moment to pronounce it dead. – Barbara Demick
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