HumorTim O'Brien Love, as wonderful and horrible as it is, has at its center a kind of pitiful humor. – Tim O’Brien Center Quotes Horrible Quotes Humor Quotes Love Quotes Pitiful Quotes Wonderful Quotes There’s a hysterical, tired sense of humor that comes after working 14 hours a day, six days a week. I like those things because they take the pressure off the constant stress. Great men are rarely isolated mountain peaks; they are the summits of ranges.
John Cornyn You can always find a reason to say no. It’s the easiest vote. It’s also not exactly a red badge of courage. – John Cornyn
Philomena Kwao If you call me ‘fat,’ it doesn’t bother me because I just don’t care. – Philomena Kwao
Marilyn Ferguson In the most important areas, as individuals and countries, we don’t change our behavior until we have our backs to the wall. – Marilyn Ferguson
Julianne Moore I love my kids with all my heart and the last thing I want to worry about is the air they breathe. – Julianne Moore
Lucy Boynton I find that I’m quite experimental. I’m drawn to the brighter and weirder things. – Lucy Boynton
Nicholas Haslam I go to Topman at lunchtime and stare at these beautiful, beautiful people who work there and who are so well-dressed. And I think: ‘Oh! I want to look like that! They’re amazing, how well-dressed they are!’ – Nicholas Haslam
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