NatureTruman Capote Love is a chain of love as nature is a chain of life. – Truman Capote Chain Quotes Life Quotes Love Quotes Nature Quotes The world is always in movement. All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.
Aidan Gallagher As far as what part of myself I brought to Five, I’ve always considered myself not really my age. – Aidan Gallagher
Rex Orange County I won’t be the kind of artist speaking in riddles all the time – it will be lyrics that make sense the moment I say them. – Rex Orange County
Evan Rachel Wood The biggest lessons I’ve learned in life have probably come from a bad situation, from an angry situation, even if I wasn’t the one who was angry. – Evan Rachel Wood
Ludovico Einaudi I grew up partially with classical music but listened to a lot of rock when I was young – I like acoustic, and folk from Mali and Armenia and Turkey. – Ludovico Einaudi
Jack Wilshere It doesn’t ‘hurt’ me, hearing criticism from ex-players. It probably disappoints me a little bit more. – Jack Wilshere
Mark McKinnon My brother is one of my true heroes. Steady and sober where I am impulsive and emotional. – Mark McKinnon
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