John Zimmer Lyft came out of a hackathon project where we were trying to figure out what does Zimride look like on mobile. – John Zimmer Figure Quotes Hackathon Quotes Lyft Quotes Mobile Quotes Project Quotes Zimride Quotes Car ownership as we know it will change. The promise of car ownership of the past, the freedom of open roads… the reality has been more of a burden. When I left my job at Lehman Brothers to start a company, my best friend’s mother said, ‘How could you leave a sure thing like Lehman to do a silly carpool startup?’ That was three months before Lehman went bankrupt.
John Singleton I’ve become more relaxed. When I was younger, I had more erratic, nervous tension when I was working. – John Singleton
Anne McCaffrey I wouldn’t encourage new writers to start off publishing through electronic media… it still isn’t wide enough for the readership they would need to get a good start. – Anne McCaffrey
Sanaa Lathan I have dated all races, and I believe you should be free to do whatever you want. – Sanaa Lathan
Diane English I don’t think there’s anything wrong with feminist uplift. That’s how we got credit cards in our own name. – Diane English
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