John Zimmer Lyft treats people better than competition. So whether that’s drivers or passengers, that goes into the car experience. That’s why more and more people are choosing Lyft. – John Zimmer Car Quotes Choosing Quotes Competition Quotes Drivers Quotes Experience Quotes Lyft Quotes Passengers Quotes People Quotes Treats Quotes I believe that whenever an overall view or theme is applied to an entire industry, bad decisions will be made. There’s a massive opportunity as more and more millennials and others in cities switch over from car ownership to transportation as a service. They are picking Lyft, and we want to stay focused on that big opportunity.
Ali When I am dubbing for my character, if I laugh at the figure on the screen, I know I have done well. – Ali
Christie BrinkleySmile Smile. It instantly lifts the face, and it just lights up the room. – Christie Brinkley
John Hawkes Some friends of mine bothered me for a long time about getting on the social networking pages. They were close friends that I liked to mess with, and I think that I kind of enjoyed for a while that it bothered them so much. Now they’ve just kind of given up. – John Hawkes
Ani DiFranco When all you can think of is your own personal problems, you have nothing to give to your society. If you’re trying to figure out where your next meal is coming from, you can’t go march on Washington. – Ani DiFranco
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