Russell Westbrook Magic Johnson was my favorite player growing up. – Russell Westbrook Favorite Quotes Growing Quotes Johnson Quotes Magic Quotes Player Quotes Shoes make an outfit. You can throw on a crazy shirt and crazy pants but you add those shoes – done. I’m confident in some of the things that I wear, regardless of what other people are wearing.
Kelsey Grammer No day-to-day mishaps or indignities can really compromise your sense of self after you’ve survived a deep tragedy. – Kelsey Grammer
DadJohnny Iuzzini I didn’t come from a wealthy family. My dad told us if we wanted spending money, we had to earn it. So I developed an early work ethic. – Johnny Iuzzini
Jesus Christ Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day. – Jesus Christ
Pendleton Ward I go to comic shops because I like to just listen to nerds arguing about nerd stuff to relax. – Pendleton Ward
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