Paul LePage Maine’s welfare program is cannibalizing the rest of state government. To all you able-bodied people out there: Get off the couch and get yourself a job. – Paul LePage Ablebodied Quotes Cannibalizing Quotes Couch Quotes Government Quotes Job Quotes Maines Quotes People Quotes Program Quotes Rest Quotes Welfare Quotes I understand welfare because I lived it. I understand the difference between a want and a need. The Republican Party promised to bring welfare change. We must deliver on this promise. Do I think that the ACA is going to force rationing upon the American people? Yes.
Noah Baumbach My dad was a great movie companion. He wouldn’t diminish ‘The Jerk.’ If I liked it, he liked it. He could see it through my eyes. – Noah Baumbach
Meena Harris At the most basic level, if men have institutional power, they have tremendous influence to change those institutions. – Meena Harris
Paddy Considine When you’re having conversations about actors, you realize these same conversations have happened about you. If you want to make a film for $5m, then you cast A, B and C, but if you want $20m, you won’t be able to cast them, you need X, Y and Z. – Paddy Considine
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