Debra Granik Make your film for the least amount you can. – Debra Granik Film Quotes A big part of the equation for ‘Winter’s Bone’ was making it for so little that we owe nobody. We had a guaranteed loan and were able to pay it back. It’s kind of a test when you read a novel thinking about its potential for the screen: How does it play on your mind’s screen?
Chloe Esposito You might have a great fence, a great shoot, run, and swim, but you might get a dodgy horse. Each country supplies the horse; you get 20 minutes to warm up with it, and then you have to do the jumping course. Pentathlon’s difficult because everything has to come together. – Chloe Esposito
Sparky Anderson Baseball is a simple game. If you have good players and if you keep them in the right frame of mind then the manager is a success. – Sparky Anderson
David Mackay By my mid-30s, I just thought, ‘This is not going to happen. I am never going to become an astronaut in the U.K.’ – David Mackay
Susanna Kearsley In the years that I worked in museums, first as a summer student and eventually as a curator, one of the primary lessons I learned was this: History is shaped by the people who seek to preserve it. We, of the present, decide what to keep, what to put on display, what to put into storage, and what to discard. – Susanna Kearsley
Amisha Patel I love human beings. I believe that there is so much to learn from every person you meet, including a child. – Amisha Patel
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