Eddie MurphyMovies Making movies is time-consuming and it’s boring. You spend most of your time waiting between takes. It’s like a big machine that moves slowly. – Eddie Murphy Boring Quotes Machine Quotes Moves Quotes Movies Quotes Slowly Quotes Spend Quotes Takes Quotes Time Quotes Timeconsuming Quotes Waiting Quotes I’m a comedian who got into movies, so I don’t really think of myself as an actor. I’ve made 30 movies and for the most part my movies work. In a business where success is an exception and not the rule, I’ve mostly been successful.
Rick Pitino I think I do regret leaving Kentucky because I took over a team with 15 wins banking everything on the Tim Duncan lottery, and once we didn’t get Tim Duncan, I realized that leaving Kentucky was not a good move. – Rick Pitino
Elizabeth Marvel It’s all really nice to have my pretend Secret Service people paying me respect, but the moment I walk in the door, it’s back to being ‘Mom.’ – Elizabeth Marvel
Rob Liefeld X-Force’ #1 sold 5 million copies. By default, the second issue dipped and did 1.3 million copies. But the cover of ‘X-Force’ #2 is Deadpool. It’s not X-Force, It’s Deadpool. – Rob Liefeld
Lynn Jurich With the right infrastructure in place, home solar will be recognized publicly as affordable, easy, and smart, and every new home built in the developed world can have clean energy sources built into it. – Lynn Jurich
Plutarch Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little. – Plutarch
Philip Treacy I remember in the early nineties people saying the hat was just for old women, but that’s ridiculous. – Philip Treacy
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