Fernand Leger Man needs colour to live; it’s just as necessary an element as fire and water. – Fernand Leger Colour Quotes Element Quotes Live Quotes Water Quotes This truth must be recognized as a dogma and assume the validity of an axiom in the general understanding of painting. The realistic value of a work is completely independent of its properties in terms of content.
Glen Hansard A song is like a saddle: you ride it for a while, and if it’s the right kind of song you can sing it for the rest of your life. – Glen Hansard
Maureen Forrester Making a living in the arts, though, creates so many jobs for other people. – Maureen Forrester
Aleksandar HemonForgiveness I cannot stand that whole game of confession, that is: Here I have sinned, now I’m confessing my sins, and describing my path of sin and then in the act of confession I beg for your forgiveness and redemption. – Aleksandar Hemon
FinanceLynn Jurich Prior to SunRun, I was headed toward a career in venture capital and then realized I wanted to apply my knowledge of finance more directly to helping change the world. – Lynn Jurich
Scott Turow Presumed Innocent’ was written over a six to seven year period with intervals in between where I was figuring out the end of the book and writing other stuff… My life as a writer was carried on against the odds. I had written four unpublished novels by then… as a writer of fiction, I hadn’t gotten very far. I just wanted to do it. – Scott Turow
Sheila Heti Raffi doesn’t have any grand theories about why his music has been so successful, but he credits a group called the Babysitters as early inspiration. – Sheila Heti
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