Pat Riley Management must speak with one voice. When it doesn’t management itself becomes a peripheral opponent to the team’s mission. – Pat Riley Management Quotes Mission Quotes Opponent Quotes Peripheral Quotes Speak Quotes Teams Quotes Voice Quotes When a great team loses through complacency, it will constantly search for new and more intricate explanations to explain away defeat. Giving yourself permission to lose guarantees a loss.
FinanceUrjit Patel From the RBI side, the fake Indian currency note is an important issue that needed to be addressed. The other collateral benefits from this, in terms of greater accountability, better public finance, more transparency, are, by definition, areas that take time to fully play out. – Urjit Patel
Nazanin Boniadi It’s been an interesting progression, going from soap to a sitcom with ‘How I Met Your Mother’ and now being a series regular on ‘Homeland.’ – Nazanin Boniadi
Skip Bayless I’m LeBron’s ‘No. 1 Critic’ and his ‘Biggest Hater.’ I feel a little like Shailene Woodley’s character in ‘Divergent.’ The government is going to eliminate me because I don’t fit in. – Skip Bayless
David Means In the days following 9/11, when we were reeling and disoriented, there was a kind of solace to be found in old recordings, and even pseudo-folk singers like James Taylor seemed to be safeguarding something, drawing back bygone days. – David Means
Karthi I always remember what my dad told me when I decided to turn into an actor. He was emphatic that whatever I do, I should get accepted by the audiences who watch my films. – Karthi
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