May Pang Many of what are now considered historic events, such as John and Paul McCartney’s only jam session after The Beatles split up, weren’t photographed. I’m surprised I captured as many moments as I did. – May Pang Beatles Quotes Captured Quotes Considered Quotes Events Quotes Historic Quotes Jam Quotes John Quotes Mccartneys Quotes Moments Quotes Paul Quotes Photographed Quotes Session Quotes Split Quotes Surprised Quotes Although some people are under the impression that John and I spent our entire year-and-a-half together in L.A., we spent only about seven months there, from September 1973, with many long breaks back in New York. I just get tired of the same rehashing of lies and myths.
Pavel Durov This is a big debate concerning the values of the society in question: Whether the risk of a terrorist act is more important than the 100 percent right to privacy. – Pavel Durov
Kathy Hilton When they were taking Paris to jail for the second time, she went to kiss me goodbye. The guards said ‘No’ and just took her. – Kathy Hilton
Sal KhanSpace No one goes on a direct path, even though it sometimes feels like your peers might be racing ahead. Everyone’s trying to figure it out. But if you just put yourself out there, step out of your comfort zone, establish yourself in terms of skills, mentorship, but leave space for your passions, then you’re going to turn out pretty well. – Sal Khan
Sharice Davids When Ellen came out on national television, it was the first time I’d ever seen an LGBT woman represented in such a prominent way. – Sharice Davids
Jose Andres In Spain, you can go into any tapas bar, and you’ll see anchovies all over the menu. – Jose Andres
Madlib If I sample a song, I usually make samples out of the whole album. Then I move on after that. Doesn’t mean I’m going to release that whole album, but I do that. – Madlib
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