Bob Barker Many people have the idea that game shows are easy to come up with. And nothing could be further from the truth. – Bob Barker Easy Quotes Game Quotes Idea Quotes People Quotes Truth Quotes I’m a vegetarian – I think there’s a strong possibility, had I not become a vegetarian, I would not be working now. I became a vegetarian about 25 years ago, and I did it out of concern for animals. But I immediately began having more energy and feeling better. You can’t fool television viewers with dancing girls and flashing lights.
Lena Headey I look at someone like Kathryn Bigelow, and I have so much admiration. She’s playing in the boy’s sandpit, and winning. – Lena Headey
Juan Guaido I swear to formally assume the national executive powers as acting president. – Juan Guaido
Takeshi Kitano I paint for the sheer joy of painting. I have never sold any of my paintings. I’d rather give them to people for free. – Takeshi Kitano
Boyan Slat The main principle behind the cleanup system is to have a difference in speed between the system and the plastic so that it goes faster than the plastic, and you can collect it. – Boyan Slat
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