Mohit Raina Many people think that dieting is starving yourself. But that is never a right way to control your diet. – Mohit Raina Control Quotes Diet Quotes Dieting Quotes People Quotes Starving Quotes What you eat is important and what is eating you is equally important. I start my day with a glass of warm water.
Phil McGraw I tell you, if you’re in the front row of the parade and you stop walking, pretty soon you’re back in the tuba section. And if you want to lead the parade you’ve got to keep moving. – Phil McGraw
Jason Mantzoukas There are girls who find the giant beard ‘gross’ and ‘creepy.’ I know because they tell me. – Jason Mantzoukas
Artie Lange Comedians, we’re just people who whine. But we happen to be funny when we whine. – Artie Lange
Lena Waithe There’s so many other talented women of color who write funny things every day, and I want them to be recognized, I want them to have a seat at the table because we’re out here. – Lena Waithe
Shweta Bachchan Nanda Men in their 40’s grow a beard and presto! They’ve achieved Silver Fox status. Meanwhile, I am sitting in front of a mirror using a mascara wand and eye shadow palette to painstakingly colour in my greying roots, because this 40 year old got a little too comfortable in her skin and didn’t go for a touch up in time. – Shweta Bachchan Nanda
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