Martin Parr Margaret Thatcher was very good for the arts in so far as it gave people a real focus for something to be against. – Martin Parr Arts Quotes Focus Quotes Margaret Quotes People Quotes Real Quotes Thatcher Quotes The ability for us to laugh at ourselves is Britain’s saving grace. I would drown in objects if I didn’t have the ability to photograph them.
Matthew Desmond A lot of people didn’t know just what eviction does to people, how it really sets their life on a different and much more difficult path, acting not like a condition of poverty but a cause of it. – Matthew Desmond
Alan Thicke I have few other characters to relate to other than myself. I have enough of a body of work now that the paternal side of Alan Thicke gets a lot of play. I do get a lot of calls to play dads. – Alan Thicke
Madeleine Albright No matter how hard we might wish, we will not be able to transform China’s behavior overnight. – Madeleine Albright
Rita Volk I, as a fan of numerous TV shows and movies, know that people mess up. The characters that we love are not always going to act in the ways that we want them to. That’s what makes them interesting. – Rita Volk
Sara Rue I wasn’t one-hundred percent sure that Jenny Craig was going to be the right program for me, but I wanted to do something. So I sat down with the CEO of Jenny Craig, Patti Larchet. – Sara Rue
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