Don DeLillo May the days be aimless. Do not advance action according to a plan. – Don DeLillo Action Quotes Advance Quotes Aimless Quotes Days Quotes Plan Quotes The future belongs to crowds. I saw a photograph of a wedding conducted by Reverend Moon of the Unification Church. I wanted to understand this event, and the only way to understand it was to write about it.
Ashish Sharma You can ask my wife – there has always been mutual respect between us, and I believe women should be respected for what they are; at no point should they feel the need to be like men. – Ashish Sharma
June Whitfield I don’t use Facebook or Twitter, and I email once in a blue moon, as I’m a rather slow typist and prefer to pick up the phone and hear a voice. – June Whitfield
Gareth Edwards I feel like one of the most successful heroines in science-fiction cinema is Sigourney Weaver in ‘Aliens’ – I love her, and as a guy, no part of my brain thinks of her gender. – Gareth Edwards
Rosamunde Pilcher There is no magic in all the world like that magic when you sell your first bit of writing. – Rosamunde Pilcher
Randy Neugebauer When regulations on the housing industry are reasonable, the cost of housing goes down. Regulatory relief is needed to make housing more affordable to more Americans. – Randy Neugebauer
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