Mohamedou Ould Slahi Maybe I’m stupid, I don’t know. I went to the police and said, ‘Why do you want me?’ They said, ‘Please don’t worry, it is just formalities.’ – Mohamedou Ould Slahi Formalities Quotes Police Quotes Stupid Quotes Worry Quotes In a matter of weeks I developed gray hair on the lower half of the sides of my head. In my culture, people refer to this phenomenon as the extreme result of depression. If you don’t know somebody, you just don’t know him, and there is no changing it.
John RuskinPeace You may either win your peace or buy it: win it, by resistance to evil; buy it, by compromise with evil. – John Ruskin
Kay Bailey HutchisonWomen When I became the first woman to represent the state of Texas in the United State Senate, it was with the help of a lot of women – and a large number of men, too. – Kay Bailey Hutchison
Robert Rodriguez I have 5 children of my own. They are bilingual, like most second and third generations. But they speak primarily in English and they couldn’t find anything on television that represented who they are in this country. – Robert Rodriguez
Jose GonzalezSmile People often expect me to be very serious, but it’s not like my record company told me not to smile in photographs, because I was like that anyway. – Jose Gonzalez
Joan Cusack I mean, the country was founded on free enterprise. There’s good things about it, and there’s obviously bad things about it. – Joan Cusack
Brynn CartelliThankful I could not be more thankful to those who voted me through and believed in me. – Brynn Cartelli
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