Annie Lowrey Maybe kindness is not a distraction from or orthogonal to change. Maybe it is a pathway to it. – Annie Lowrey Change Quotes Distraction Quotes Kindness Quotes Orthogonal Quotes Pathway Quotes The country should not have to wonder whether politicians’ stock trades were corrupt. It should not have to think about politicians’ portfolios at all. An explosion of meat-replacement products has followed the path set by almond milk in the past few years, not just tempeh- or seitan- or soy-based products that taste nothing like meat, but meat simulacra.
Pierre Poilievre So much of the time, in politics, we try to come up with these clever turns of phrase, slogans or messages, but what the public really wants is just the simple facts. – Pierre Poilievre
Kenza Fourati To be very sincere, I don’t feel legit being an inspiration of anything. – Kenza Fourati
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