Richard Gere Maybe the Dalai Lama is the only person who is totally honest, and even with him, he’s skillful not to hurt anybody. He’s skillful. – Richard Gere Dalai Quotes Honest Quotes Hurt Quotes Lama Quotes Person Quotes Skillful Quotes Totally Quotes My first encounter with Buddhist dharma would be in my early 20s. Like most young men, I was not particularly happy. If the work is going well and it’s something that has value with some meaning to it, it gives back a lot.
Miroslav Lajcak The Commission is extremely important. The E.U. without the Commission would not be the European Union. – Miroslav Lajcak
John Corigliano The structural thinking I use in the concert hall is unnecessary to most film projects, and most film composers make better use of the enormous range of pop and other materials and techniques required of them than I probably would, faced with the same challenge. – John Corigliano
M Ward I find that the time that goes by is actually your best friend when you are making a record. The passing of time gives you perspective on what you recorded and what you wrote. If something sounds good to you 12 months after you recorded it then chances are pretty good that there’s something valuable about the part or the song. – M Ward
Alexander Payne That’s how I like to do it with actors, have them really go for it and I’ll tell them when it’s too much. It’s always easier to bring it back then to push it further. – Alexander Payne
Dennis Chavez I should like to be remembered as the man who raised a voice against… placing limitations on the freedom of the individual. – Dennis Chavez
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