Michael Michele Men don’t have to tiptoe around me – you can say anything and I won’t get offended. – Michael Michele Offended Quotes Tiptoe Quotes My mother used to say, If other people have a problem with you, that’s their problem. It’s not your problem. I still have that philosophy today. I choose to be more prepared than I’m expected to be.
Jean Reno It is an actor’s defect. I want everybody to like me, so I’ll say what I think will please them. – Jean Reno
Aleksey IgudesmanHumor Our first show, ‘A Little Nightmare Music,’ encompasses a lot of zany humor with beautiful classical music. – Aleksey Igudesman
Beth Behrs Animals are everything to me. I always say, ‘Who rescued who?’ with my horse Belle. She is my greatest teacher. She teaches me to be grounded, present, and in the moment, which I feel is key to happiness. My panic attacks become nonexistent when spending time with my animals, especially out in nature. – Beth Behrs
Dean Norris Investment banks started recruiting at Harvard back in the day, and they’d fly me down to New York City and I was so poor so I would take advantage of the free flight, the per diem, the hotel. And then I would go audition for stuff. – Dean Norris
AnniversaryIsla Fisher I love marriage. I think it’s a wonderful institution and it’s the most important decision you make. – Isla Fisher
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