Caleb Cushing Men of New England, I hold you to the doctrines of liberty which ye inherit from your Puritan forefathers. – Caleb Cushing Doctrines Quotes England Quotes Forefathers Quotes Hold Quotes Inherit Quotes Liberty Quotes Puritan Quotes Men of Virginia, countrymen of Washington, of Patrick Henry, of Jefferson, and of Madison, will ye be true to your constitutional faith? It is impossible, in my mind, to distinguish between the refusal to receive a petition, or its summary rejection by some general order, and the denial of the right of petition.
David Dellinger It’s my perception that more people are actively committed to human familyhood today, and to a holistic relationship with the natural universe, than at any other time in my 71 years. – David Dellinger
Malin Akerman I never was shy, but as far as telling jokes, I’m the worst. I like physical comedy; it’s where I feel comfortable. – Malin Akerman
Nick Earls Being a parent means my time use has to be a bit more focused, but it also gives me a new non-writing dimension to my life, which is a healthy thing. I can’t wander along for weeks with an idea drifting through my head – I have someone who will drag me back into life, and that’s a good thing. – Nick Earls
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