Roland Allen Men who hold a theory of the Church which excludes from communion those whom they admit to have the Spirit of Christ simply proclaim that their theory is in flat contradiction to the spiritual fact. – Roland Allen Admit Quotes Christ Quotes Church Quotes Communion Quotes Contradiction Quotes Excludes Quotes Flat Quotes Hold Quotes Proclaim Quotes Simply Quotes Spirit Quotes Spiritual Quotes Theory Quotes In arriving at a decision in a question of doubt, the apostles in the Acts were guided solely by their sense of the Spirit behind the action, not by any speculations as to consequences which might ensue. And so they found the truth. Christ had given the apostles a world-wide commission, embracing all the nations; but intellectually they did not understand what He meant. They found that out as they followed the impulse of the Spirit.
LegalPat Travers We got a little waylaid along the way. The whole problem started about 10 years ago with management and legal battles, then still trying to make albums while I was doing all of that. – Pat Travers
Mayank Agarwal Even if I don’t score runs with the bat, I think about contributing on the field, bringing in more energy on the field. – Mayank Agarwal
Jon Ossoff News flash: The federal government is not the most efficient institution in the world. Taxpayers know that. – Jon Ossoff
George Ripley Also there is a similitude of a Trinity shining in the body, soul and spirit. – George Ripley
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