Dick Cavett Meryl Streep belongs on anybody’s list of greats. – Dick Cavett Anybodys Quotes Belongs Quotes Greats Quotes List Quotes Meryl Quotes Streep Quotes Music bypasses the brain and goes straight to the heart. I wish my life had more of it. I confess, I do have to remind myself almost daily that there are people on this earth capable of reading, writing, eating and dressing themselves who believe their lives are ruled from billions of miles away, by the stars – and, of course, the planets.
Allyson Schwartz The 20th century taught us how far unbridled evil can and will go when the world fails to confront it. It is time that we heed the lessons of the 20th century and stand up to these murderers. It is time that we end genocide in the 21st century. – Allyson Schwartz
Angie Thomas When you say, ‘Southern,’ or you speak about a southern accent, there’s always that drawl, and usually from white people. That’s what people associate with the South. But we’re all different. The black southern accent is different. – Angie Thomas
Hans-Ulrich Obrist I met Gerhard Richter and Alighiero Boetti when I was a teenager, and I was really inspired by them. When Boetti died, I realized I only vaguely remembered so many things he told me. It was such a pity. Had I only recorded his voice, he would still be with me, and I could listen to it from time to time. – Hans-Ulrich Obrist
Orianthi I think you can hear the Delta blues thing in something like the intro to ‘Heaven in This Hell,’ which has that down-home acoustic riff. – Orianthi
Lupe Fiasco I have an understanding of Queen and the way Freddie Mercury did his harmonies. I know what tablas sound like, because my father played a lot of Ustad Ali Akbar Khan. – Lupe Fiasco
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