Robert M Pirsig Metaphysics is a restaurant where they give you a thirty thousand page menu, and no food. – Robert M Pirsig Food Quotes Menu Quotes Metaphysics Quotes Restaurant Quotes The funny thing about insane people is that it is kind of the opposite of being a celebrity. Nobody envies you. If you stare at a wall from four in the morning till nine at night, and you do that for a week, you are getting pretty close to nothingness.
Maurice SendakTrust To get a child’s trust – you may know or not – is a very hard thing to do. They’re so used to not believing adults – because adults tell tales and lies all the time. – Maurice Sendak
Lacey Chabert Neve Campbell, Scott Wolf, and Paula Devicqu – we all keep in close touch. Especially now that I have the baby, I want to share her with my extended family. And I do consider them part of my extended family. – Lacey Chabert
Leandra Medine Part of what dressing for yourself means requires your understanding that the scrutiny of others is frankly irrelevant. – Leandra Medine
Henry Kravis So I picked a field where I had a little exposure. Where I thought I could have an enormous challenge, and have a chance to really do some good, to be a pioneer in an area, and not just be like everyone else. – Henry Kravis
Gene Tierney Trying to make order out of my life was like trying to pick up a jellyfish. – Gene Tierney
Marsha Thomason I have never seen a ghost. But yes, I believe because I know too many people who have had experiences. When I lived in Notting Hill, I shared a flat with a mate who was convinced that there was a presence in our house. – Marsha Thomason
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