Judi Dench Michael died five years ago this January, and the first thing that really struck me about the script was the part about her peeling off from the funeral and just getting into a rowboat and having a real kind of cry where nobody was. – Judi Dench Died Quotes Funeral Quotes January Quotes Michael Quotes Peeling Quotes Real Quotes Rowboat Quotes Script Quotes Struck Quotes And then it was working with Bob Hoskins, who I had never worked with before – except radio. It was like being given a wonderful meal – full of the things you love most. I am so thrilled to be nominated for something I loved working on every single day.
Sarah Alexander I have a tendency to overempathize with people, which gets me into tricky situations. I can get sucked in and feel like I need to get involved, which is sometimes helpful and sometimes not. It’s better to have more distance. – Sarah Alexander
Park Hyung-sik Out in society, you tend to show your good side to people, but at home, you snap at your mom. – Park Hyung-sik
Paige Spiranac Turns out, the enjoyment I receive from growing the game through content creation and collaborations, and the work I do with the Cybersmile Foundation around cyberbullying, is leaps and bounds above what I got out of playing competitively. – Paige Spiranac
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